Ag Resource Management

Jennifer McCamley (Representing Members Lookout and Tartrus)
Tartrus Brahmans – TTS, TTM, TTJ
Lookout Brahmans – LKT
Lookout Station – Lookout
Bondoola – Tartrus
Lookout Brahmans, 'Lookout' Duaringa Central Queensland;
Tartrus Brahmans, 'Bondoola' Yeppoon Central Queensland
As the representative of two genetically-linked herds – Lookout (LKT) and Tartrus (TTS) – I am proud to be part of the collaborative effort of Frontier Genetics. A collective of 11 distinct businesses, Frontier Genetics is united in their commitment to provide beef genetics to the Northern Beef Industry. For the first time ever, these breeders are coming together to offer their best genetics online in a ground-breaking auction. All bulls sold in our online auction will be pasture-raised, rigorously tested and assessed for structure, type and temperament along with being genetically described. We are confident that our genetics will provide a positive influence to the herds that invest in them.
The Tartrus–Kaiuroo bloodlines diligently managed by Jennifer McCamley of Ag Resource Management are renowned in the beef industry. With a history spanning over 60 years, these bloodlines are now being bred across two reputable registered and recorded Brahman herds: Lookout, and Tartrus.
Jennifer’s breeding philosophy centres around the power of genetic change to achieve cost-effective and long-lasting positive outcomes. Collaborating with Beef Geneticists at AGBU and implementing an extensive recording program over many years, Jennifer has achieved significant outcomes for the Tartrus–Kaiuroo Bloodlines – including lower days to calving while maintaining high 600-day growth and moderating mature cow weight. Widely recognised internationally, the Tartrus–Kaiuroo genetics are held in high regard as one of the best-recorded Brahman herds.
In line with their commitment to breed for sustainability, Sir Graham and Jennifer embraced organic beef production early on, obtaining organic certification three decades ago. Today, all herds under Jennifer’s care are raised naturally, and represent significant progress in breed improvement.
Jennifer is responsible for the recorded Brahman females across two genetically linked, registered bull-breeding herds. Heifers are currently joined for 90 days and cows for 120 days. The two herds are Lookout (owned by Peter Dunne and managed by nephew Jak Pearson), and Tartrus (with the Tartrus Stud owned by Sir Graham McCamley, Tartrus J Jennifer, and Tartrus M Max and Sam Velge). Jennifer oversees the recording programs and sales for these herds, which demonstrate the beneficial impact of intensive recording and selection.
Tartrus Brahmans
Tartrus Brahmans are renowned for producing efficient, high-quality, high-performance cattle. As one of Australia’s pioneering Brahman Studs, Tartrus was established by Sir Graham McCamley in the early 1960s. The Tartrus bloodlines have been performance tested for weight gain and fertility since 1964 with a rigid evaluation program designed in collaboration with DPI, CSIRO, and The University of Queensland. The herd has been benchmarked in the Brahman BREEDPLAN genetic program since the late 1980s.
Jennifer managed Tartrus with her father – Sir Graham – before taking the reins of the registered herd in the early 1980s. They share a commitment to breeding cattle that achieve high genetic merit for economically important traits like fertility, weight gain and finishing ability under the commercial beef-production conditions of the tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world. Tartrus has produced many influential, industry-leading sires. Tartrus Brahmans have consistently achieved championship success at major shows across Australia and have been exported to Brazil, Thailand, New Zealand, The Philippines, Vietnam and most states in Australia.
The Tartrus registered herd produced the sires for a large commercial beef operation that was certified for the EU when that market was first established. That herd went on to become organically certified in the early 1990s on the western aggregation, based around Richmond. The Tartrus commercial beef operations always targeted a grass-fed product unless drought required a different strategy.
Tartrus Brahmans are renowned for their tropical adaptation, and productivity in these challenging environments. Key traits which the herd has excelled for include tick and fly resistance, fertility, carcass quality and yield, and hardy constitutions that handle dry seasons and poor feed well.
Kaiuroo Aggregation
The Kaiuroo Aggregation breeding herd foundation came from the selection of the best-performing females from Tartrus. These elite females became the “engine room” for one of the largest beef cattle and farming enterprises in Central Queensland. The Kaiuroo Aggregation encompassed certified organic beef for international and domestic markets and high-quality genetically evaluated Red and Grey Brahman seedstock.
With advice from AGBU (Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit), and financial support from MLA, Kaiuroo conducted a review of the breeding objective, and established one of the most rigorous recording programs in tropical beef breeding outside of research herds. The new objective prioritised reproductive performance, along with the ability for sale stock to meet high market weights at the earliest age, while applying some selection pressure to moderate cow size. This was streamlined by the development of a custom BREEDPLAN selection $index, which became the basis for breeding profitable commercial, organic beef from an irrigated Leucaena and natural pasture production system.
Jennifer’s lifelong dedication to responsible breeding practices and sustainable beef production has not only left an indelible mark on the industry but also paved the way for a promising future. The Tartrus–Kaiuroo bloodlines will undoubtedly continue to shine as pioneers on the frontier of the world of Brahman cattle.
Jennifer McCamley (Representing Members Lookout and Tartrus)
Lookout Station – Lookout
Lookout Brahmans, 'Lookout' Duaringa Central Queensland;
Tartrus Brahmans, 'Bondoola' Yeppoon Central QueenslandYEARS IN OPERATION
As the representative of two genetically-linked herds – Lookout (LKT) and Tartrus (TTS) – I am proud to be part of the collaborative effort of Frontier Genetics. A collective of 11 distinct businesses, Frontier Genetics is united in their commitment to provide beef genetics to the Northern Beef Industry. For the first time ever, these breeders are coming together to offer their best genetics online in a ground-breaking auction. All bulls sold in our online auction will be pasture-raised, rigorously tested and assessed for structure, type and temperament along with being genetically described. We are confident that our genetics will provide a positive influence to the herds that invest in them.
The Tartrus–Kaiuroo bloodlines diligently managed by Jennifer McCamley of Ag Resource Management are renowned in the beef industry. With a history spanning over 60 years, these bloodlines are now being bred across two reputable registered and recorded Brahman herds: Lookout, and Tartrus.
Jennifer’s breeding philosophy centres around the power of genetic change to achieve cost-effective and long-lasting positive outcomes. Collaborating with Beef Geneticists at AGBU and implementing an extensive recording program over many years, Jennifer has achieved significant outcomes for the Tartrus–Kaiuroo Bloodlines – including lower days to calving while maintaining high 600-day growth and moderating mature cow weight. Widely recognised internationally, the Tartrus–Kaiuroo genetics are held in high regard as one of the best-recorded Brahman herds.
In line with their commitment to breed for sustainability, Sir Graham and Jennifer embraced organic beef production early on, obtaining organic certification three decades ago. Today, all herds under Jennifer’s care are raised naturally, and represent significant progress in breed improvement.
Jennifer is responsible for the recorded Brahman females across two genetically linked, registered bull-breeding herds. Heifers are currently joined for 90 days and cows for 120 days. The two herds are Lookout (owned by Peter Dunne and managed by nephew Jak Pearson), and Tartrus (with the Tartrus Stud owned by Sir Graham McCamley, Tartrus J Jennifer, and Tartrus M Max and Sam Velge). Jennifer oversees the recording programs and sales for these herds, which demonstrate the beneficial impact of intensive recording and selection.
Tartrus Brahmans
Tartrus Brahmans are renowned for producing efficient, high-quality, high-performance cattle. As one of Australia’s pioneering Brahman Studs, Tartrus was established by Sir Graham McCamley in the early 1960s. The Tartrus bloodlines have been performance tested for weight gain and fertility since 1964 with a rigid evaluation program designed in collaboration with DPI, CSIRO, and The University of Queensland. The herd has been benchmarked in the Brahman BREEDPLAN genetic program since the late 1980s.
Jennifer managed Tartrus with her father – Sir Graham – before taking the reins of the registered herd in the early 1980s. They share a commitment to breeding cattle that achieve high genetic merit for economically important traits like fertility, weight gain and finishing ability under the commercial beef-production conditions of the tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world. Tartrus has produced many influential, industry-leading sires. Tartrus Brahmans have consistently achieved championship success at major shows across Australia and have been exported to Brazil, Thailand, New Zealand, The Philippines, Vietnam and most states in Australia.
The Tartrus registered herd produced the sires for a large commercial beef operation that was certified for the EU when that market was first established. That herd went on to become organically certified in the early 1990s on the western aggregation, based around Richmond. The Tartrus commercial beef operations always targeted a grass-fed product unless drought required a different strategy.
Tartrus Brahmans are renowned for their tropical adaptation, and productivity in these challenging environments. Key traits which the herd has excelled for include tick and fly resistance, fertility, carcass quality and yield, and hardy constitutions that handle dry seasons and poor feed well.
Kaiuroo Aggregation
The Kaiuroo Aggregation breeding herd foundation came from the selection of the best-performing females from Tartrus. These elite females became the “engine room” for one of the largest beef cattle and farming enterprises in Central Queensland. The Kaiuroo Aggregation encompassed certified organic beef for international and domestic markets and high-quality genetically evaluated Red and Grey Brahman seedstock.
With advice from AGBU (Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit), and financial support from MLA, Kaiuroo conducted a review of the breeding objective, and established one of the most rigorous recording programs in tropical beef breeding outside of research herds. The new objective prioritised reproductive performance, along with the ability for sale stock to meet high market weights at the earliest age, while applying some selection pressure to moderate cow size. This was streamlined by the development of a custom BREEDPLAN selection $index, which became the basis for breeding profitable commercial, organic beef from an irrigated Leucaena and natural pasture production system.
Jennifer’s lifelong dedication to responsible breeding practices and sustainable beef production has not only left an indelible mark on the industry but also paved the way for a promising future. The Tartrus–Kaiuroo bloodlines will undoubtedly continue to shine as pioneers on the frontier of the world of Brahman cattle.