We started Frontier Genetics so you – who prioritise high-performing breeder herds and profit – can have the utmost confidence in the bulls you’re buying.
We offer a single platform with more than just a pedigree to inform your choice: we collate ALL the data points you need to find the perfect animals for your environment so you can grow your profits and produce progeny that best suit your end market.
Each year we offer you the cream of the crop at the Frontier Genetics Annual Brahman Bull Sale: phenotypically desirable animals of high genetic merit, showcased via an online auction.
Our online platform and strict Code of Standards means you won’t be selecting from over-fed bulls and can directly compare animals from different breeders and environments on a level playing field.

We’ve come together as a collaborative solution to the needs of our industry.
We’re a group of 11 like-minded Queensland cattle seedstock producers with a combined herd of over 5000 BREEDPLAN-measured Brahman females responsibly grazed in diverse environments across Queensland.
Until now:
- Finding the right pasture-prepared bulls – with data and phenotype – has been a challenge.
- It’s been difficult to be sure that an animal will perform in your specific environment and produce progeny that fits your end market (while helping you meet future carbon-neutral goals for your business).
- Multiple industry bodies offer a lot of information on the Brahman breed, but until Frontier Genetics, no single platform collated the many data points required for truly informed, objective selection.
- It’s been difficult comparing heavily grain-fed bulls without easily comparable information to use in selection.
We are currently developing a breeder program for our combined herds that will improve EBV accuracy and guarantee annual genetic improvement for our clients.
This EBV data, combined with our upfront transparency into our management systems and bulls produced, is the perfect solution for you to increase the quality of your herd and increase your profits.
- Our sales catalogue format makes it easy to compare and purchase animals from different breeders, locations, pasture-fed regimes and measured traits all on one online platform. While you’re welcome to inspect our bulls in person, we’ll curate a wealth of information for each bull online for each auction.
- We care about our buyers, bulls, and the Brahman breed, and we foster trusted, long-term relationships through this platform. Our commitment extends to the welfare of our cattle and our land, our buyers’ satisfaction, and the Brahman breed’s advancement.
- We are applying the most current genetic understanding and technology to maximise the accuracy of genetic description of sale bulls for our clients, and have sought advice from leading Australian beef cattle geneticists (at AGBU) to help us achieve this goal.
- We walk the talk. We know that the genetic decisions you make today pave the way for your future profitability. Just like you, our members strive to increase herd profitability, and all Frontier Genetics members have proven success in a range of Queensland environments. We combine more accurate genetic selection to increase economically important traits with traditional crush-side improvement measures (like culling for fertility). We’re keen for our buyers to profit from our pool of knowledge and our quality bulls with high EBVs for traits of known economic value.
- We make it easy to understand the latest genetic data. We’ve provided educational information on EBVs and Indexes to make it easy for you to apply them to your own herd and use them to select the best bulls for your environment and goals.
- You can buy from us with confidence because all our vendors operate by a strict code of ethics, transparency and integrity. We believe in upfront transparency in our breeding programs and management systems. All our members conform to a strict Code of Standards that apply to their management systems, BREEDPLAN measurements, bulls produced and more.